Have a dog on REST and RECOVERY? Check out the newly updated and FREE REST & RECOVERY ROUND-UP Training

Building Resilience In Your Family Dog

Resilience is the ability to adapt successfully or recover quickly from stressful or exciting situations, events, or conditions.

Just like us, dogs face various stressors and changes, from loud noises and unfamiliar environments to health issues and training difficulties. A resilient dog can handle and navigate these obstacles with confidence and ease, maintaining their well-being and happiness along the way.

Why does resilience matter in our family dogs? 

Because it directly impacts their overall quality of life and well-being. A resilient dog is better equipped to handle the ups and downs of life, the hard stuff life throws at them, even when we do our very best to keep them in a protective bubble. High resilience results in less stress, improved behavior, and a more trust with their people and the world around them. Understanding and building your dog's resilience can also help you moderate their environment, behavior plans, and care to better support their emotional and behavioral needs.

If you are ready to help your dog build more resilience into his daily life, then this course is for you. That doesn't mean that you'll be working on skills every day. Think of this as a new mindset, a new way to approach how to interact with and teach your dog on a regular basis. 

Through both video and audio, you'll learn WHAT resilience is, WHY resilience is important, and HOW to move through the 7 Resilience Rainbow Domains. You'll also learn a lot about navigating resilience during adolescence, in addition to other phases of life. 

This is a pre-recorded webinar broken into bite-size lessons for you to absorb easily and on your own time.

This entire course is 1 hour in length and as a bonus, you'll receive a Cheat Sheet that lays out all the activities discussed and what domain they belong to. 

Source: The Resilience Rainbow was created by Dr Kathy Murphy and Bobbie Bhambree. In this course, I put my own spin on it and broke it down in easy-to-understand ways

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